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high-quality linguistic services

Karolina Kopczyńska-Rojek

translation, editing, proofreading

tłumaczenia, redakcja, korekta


I am a translator and editor working with English and Polish since 2010.

I have experience in handling diverse assignments ranging from individual texts to book-length translations and complex high-volume projects. Working both freelance and in large publishing houses has helped me grow as a well-organised and driven person that I am today, with the added perk of gaining an in-depth knowledge of the publication process.

For the past 9 years I have been focused on medical editing, gaining appreciation for the simple yet precise style of scientific writing. Having some experience with HTML, programming languages, and command-line interfaces (CLIs), I am confident working with more technical documents and have no trouble learning new software. Occasionally, though, I still very much enjoy challenges that allow a greater degree of creativity, such as literary works or marketing copy.

What I can help you with

Translating in the English-Polish and Polish-English combinations. My past projects include academic papers, marketing texts, websites and basic legal documents. I was also fortunate to join a large team to collaborate on a major MMORPG localisation.
My published translations include a couple of brilliant books on architecture and two of Roald Dahl’s classics. Having the privilege of translating good authors is a humbling experience.
Editing texts in English, written by native and non-native speakers. My area of expertise is medicine and health sciences.
Editing involves checking the text for style, clarity and accuracy to make sure it is consistent, coherent and appropriate for the intended audience. Grammar mistakes, punctuation and typos are fixed.
Proofreading is one the final stages of preparing a text for publication. It may involve checking a typeset text for errors before printing or clicking through a website before it is launched.
Proofreading should be focused on fixing typos, spelling mistakes and formatting issues. It should not involve major stylistic revisions.
Transcripts of audio-visual content can be a verbatim record of every utterance, including fillers such as “umm” or stuttering, or they can be cleaned up for clarity and ease of reading.
I am experienced in transcribing highly specialist medical videos, where great accuracy and attention to detail are required already at the stage of producing verbatim texts.

What kept me busy

Selected publications I am delighted to have worked on.
McMaster Textbook of Internal Medicine 2019/20
McMaster Textbook of Internal Medicine 2019/20
managing editor, copyeditor
How Architecture Works by Witold Rybczyński
How Architecture Works by Witold Rybczyński
Scope of Total Architecture by Walter Gropius
Scope of Total Architecture by Walter Gropius
Saudade by Baltazar Fajto
Saudade by Baltazar Fajto
Matilda by Roald Dahl
Matilda by Roald Dahl
Danny, the Champion of the World by Roald Dahl


The price is determined by the subject, turnaround time and additional factors, such as the quality of audio-visual materials in the case of transcription.

The final cost is always provided before an assignment is processed.

A standard page is made up of 250 words or 1800 characters including spaces.

A VAT invoice is issued for every order.

  • English ⇔ Polish
  • Accepting multiple file formats (Word, PDF, PowerPoint, photos)
  • Able to meet specific typesetting requirements
  • Working in CAT software
  • English only
  • Fixing grammar, spelling, style, punctuation
  • Able to perform revision using CAT software
  • English and Polish
  • Fixing typos and formatting issues
  • English only
  • Verbatim transcript or text cleaned up for clarity

On the importance of commas

A panda walks into a café. He orders a sandwich, eats it, then draws a gun and fires two shots in the air.

“Why?” asks the confused waiter, as the panda makes towards the exit. The panda produces a badly punctuated wildlife manual and tosses it over his shoulder.

“I'm a panda,” he says at the door. “Look it up.”

The waiter turns to the relevant entry in the manual and, sure enough, finds an explanation.

“Panda. Large black-and-white bear-like mammal, native to China. Eats, shoots and leaves.”

Lynne Truss, Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation


+48 793 Ø26 Ø21
Based in Kraków, Poland